For Authors
NOTES for authors submitting articles for publication in the "Heteromagnetic microelectronics"
1.General information
1.1. The collection of articles "Heteromagnetic microelectronics" is issued 4 times a year (2 of them are in limiting access).
1.2. It is recommended that an article should be up to16 pages long (up to 1 printed sheet).
1.3. The format of an article should be fully in agreement with the style of the journal (see below); an article should be carefully edited; an article should include an abstract of up to 5 lines, key words ( up to 10), information about the author (place of work or study, e-mail address ).
1.4. For the article to be published the author has to submit the following materials and papers to the editorial office:
- the electronic copy of the text of an article;
- an external referee’s review officially certified by the organization where the referee is currently employed;
- information about the author: name, patronymic, surname, academic title, scientific degree, position, place of work (chair, organization), e-mail address.
1.5. Articles are subject to refereeing and in the case of a favourable review they are finally proofread and scientifically edited.
1.6.Publication is free of charge.
1.7. Authors’ issues and delivery of the journal to the authors are not provided.
2. An example of article formatting and style
3. Manuscript formatting and style requirements
3.1. The text should be submitted in MS Word for Windows format, single-spaced, with the margins of 2.5 cm, Times New Roman font; the main text size – 14 points, additional text size (footnotes, tables, picture/figure notes, appendices, notes) 12 points.
3.2. Multiple page tables should be avoided; it would be preferable for large amounts of data to be split into several tables. Every table should be numbered in Arabic digits and should have a topical title briefly stating its content. Subheadings of columns should be informative and concise. Units of measurement are placed after a comma.
3.3. Figure format should ensure the clarity of all the details. Figure notes should be self-sufficient without referring to the text.
3.4. Tables and figures are attached in separate files.
3.5. Footnotes are formatted as endnotes in the end of the article. They are numbered with the superscript.
Formatting endnotes
Manuscripts not in agreement with the abovementioned format requirements are not considered by the editorial board.
Electronic copies of the articles and information about the author should be sent to the editor’s office e-mail address: or